So once again I failed to get tickets for @glastofest this morning. 🙄 They sold out in less than an hour – no real surprise given that there’s usually over 2 million people trying to get their hands on around 200,000 tickets.
How do I feel…? Bit of a mixture of emotions to be honest…
Sadness – Glasto was a big part of my life for 20 years. Had some great times with great friends and enjoyed some incredible performances. I never imagined at the time that 2017 would be my last. That said it was a bit of a ‘landmark year’ as it was 20 years since my first Glasto and I also celebrated my 50th there that year. Perhaps it was an omen…
Disappointment – I’d recently said to mates that I’d like to go “just one more time” – for old times sake and of course to even up the artefacts on my ‘Glasto Wall’ (swipe for picture)! 😜
I had also managed to get myself onto the booking page at 9.55am today, only to see the official “sold out” post on Twitter (or whatever name that daft fascist Elon Musk has given it) just as I submitted our details.
Relief – I’m not getting any younger (turn 57 next year) if I had secured a ticket this morning I would genuinely have spent the next 7 months worrying that I’m not young or fit enough to party for a week and/or trudge around that vast site in the mud. I also hate camping these days! In fact I might just give my tent to the homeless, eh Suella…? 😜
Reflective – I am fortunate to have been to Glasto for 20 years, including some of the best ones in my opinion (1997 will take some beating). If me not getting a ticket means that someone else can experience that same feeling that I did, of walking onto the site for the very first time then I’m all for that. What an experience…
Will I try again in resale? Nah – I’m done with Glasto now and the lineups no longer interest me if truth be told.
Would I work there to get myself in? Work? On my holiday…?! Not a chance…
Well done to everyone who got tickets and I hope you have a blast… (wankers) 😜🤣
Click image below to see some highlights from my 20 years at Glastonbury Festival, 1997-2017 .