Welcome to 2023…. and yes, Music in the Attic – that little ‘lockdown project’ I started back in 2020 is still going strong almost 3 years after I first started it! Where does the time go…?
Admittedly I don’t write as much content for the website these days and whenever I do get any spare time I often struggle to get the old creative juices flowing. However the Instagram page continues to flourish and we passed the 2,000 followers mark on New Years Eve so that felt like a bit of a milestone. I guess this shows that people are still enjoying the dusty contents of our loft – old gig tickets, vintage T-shirts, badges and of course my old vinyl records which have become a permanent fixture in the lounge again since I first set off on my nostalgic trip down Memory Lane during the pandemic…

One of the biggest challenges I’ve had over the past year is finding the time to feed all the social media channels. What started out as a ‘hobby’ actually became a pain in the arse so I decided to focus on Instagram where the bulk of interest appears to be. Unfortunately this means I’ve neglected the Facebook group (which is largely made up of people I know personally – sorry folks) and the Twitter feed which is pretty much a dead duck these days (should that be ‘Quacker’ rather than ‘Twitter?!)
On a positive note I’ve recently created a new Music in the Attic Facebook PAGE to complement the Facebook GROUP. The main reason for this being that Instagram posts can automatically be shared to a Facebook page with minimal effort whilst also reaching a much wider audience of music nostalgia fans. If you receive an invite to the new Facebook PAGE and think “…but I’m already a member!” this really is from me and not some scammer so don’t panic. I’m just spreading the love…
Here’s a link to that new Facebook page – please join and spread the word!

Finally, one of my highlights of 2022 was going to see Saxon – the first band I ever saw live in Nottingham back in January 1983, almost 40 years ago! (Read my memories of of that one here). Saxon remain a well respected band on the heavy metal scene and when I was part of a sell out crowd at the King Georges Hall in Blackburn on 19th November they took the roof off! Awesome performance and singer Biff Byford still has an incredible voice for a man now rocking into his 70s.
The support band on the tour was Diamond Head – another great New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) band I hadn’t seen since 1984 so it was another brilliant nostalgia trip for me. Thanks to my old mate Nige for getting us the tickets. Top top night…
Here’s some footage I took on the night..
So what’s in store for 2023? Definitely loads of newer music (and some new vinyl albums!) but I can guarantee there will also be plenty of visits up to the attic again. Stay tuned.
Love music? Love nostalgia? You’re in the right place. Loads more here:

Here’s a link to that growing Instagram page I mentioned…