You’ve probably come to realise by now that I’m a bit of a hoarder? I prefer to think of myself as more of a ‘historian’ (at least that’s what I tell my wife!) Some of this old crap has survived for over 40 years. I’ve lugged it all with me from house to house / attic to attic, all in the belief that one day future generations might find it remotely interesting. I guess there was also the belief that some of this shit “might be worth something one day” but, to be perfectly honest, I don’t think I could bring myself to part with any of it now unless somebody was to make me a ridiculous offer!
During another recent foray into the attic I decided to open up an old suitcase that was sat gathering dust. I could vaguely remember what was in the case but I was a little apprehensive about what state it might be in. Despite smelling a little ‘fusty’ I was pleasantly surprised with what I found and the condition of the items inside. Here is a selection of classic rock and metal T-shirts that I purchased and wore during my youth in the 1980s. If you don’t believe me I’ve included some pictures of me wearing my vintage merchandise ‘back in the day’ – except it wasn’t vintage then! Enjoy…

(I bought this at their Nottingham Royal Concert Hall gig that year)

(this one got a bit of a battering over the years and is looking a little ‘off white’ these days!)

(with original naughty artwork that got banned)

(my 3rd time at the festival)

(I saw them supporting Def Leppard at Leicester DeMontfort Hall – caught the drummer’s stick, think I still have it in the attic somewhere!)

(I saw them at the Birmingham NEC on 24/04/88 – see my Gig Tickets post here)

(a day of mixed emotions – read my recollections of it here)

Like vintage merchandise?
Click here – there’s more!
Great post Ian and what I would give for that Saxon jumper super cool!…
Keep it up, you have a great writing style.
It’s looking a bit rough around the edges these days but not surprising after all these years! Thanks for your kind words Alex. Please stick around… 🙂
Have you dared to try any of your t-shirts on recently?😉
Haha! I wish mate. They barely fit on one arm these days. I did try one for a laugh and ended up looking like ‘Daffid…the only gay in the village’ off Little Britain…. belly hanging out, the lot lol! 🤣
Blimey must have taken you ages to sift through that lot and take all the photos. A. Very good effort indeed 👍
Loved it mate! It’s become a bit of a labour of love pulling this site together but it’s killed loads of time during this year from hell!
Are you selling any?
Great memories Ian…Doesnt matter if they fit or not it’s the memory of the day or night they were bought on…
Superb buddy. I was at the Doninigton (all of those – first one 1985, last one 1996) and the Rush gig. I was probably stood (or wat at the Rush gig) next to ya lol. Great collection and great memories. Wish I still had my old shirts too.
Thanks mate. Yeah I remember you from the Rush gig lol! 🤣
I’ve had some good offers for these Tees but for some reason (mainly nostalgia!) I just couldn’t bring myself to part with them. Maybe I’ll change my mind if I get a REALLY crazy offer I can’t turn down… 😜
I found this page while trying to find a tee I’m currently wearing. it’s the grey shout at the devil one same as your own. luckily I still fit all my tees from yesteryear. when I wear them it makes me think of all the good times we had as teenagers. undoubtedly the best days to be alive. Great bands to go see most of which have not given up yet but should lol.
Brilliant! Wish I could still wear mine. Although I was instantly catapulted back to the time I wore them back in the 80s when I rediscovered them.
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